Pregnancy Discrimination

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Pregnancy Discrimination


To treat a woman unfavourably because of her pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness

The law says that it is pregnancy discrimination or maternity discrimination to treat a woman unfavourably because of her pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness.

Examples of pregnancy discrimination could include:

  • selection for redundancy because of your pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness,
  • refusing to extend your contract during or after a probation period,
  • unfair dismissal because of pregnancy or non-renewal of a fixed-term contract,
  • refusal of a job offer, training or promotion opportunities,
  • reduction in pay or hours,
  • pressure to resign from your position
  • failure to remove risks at work and take action to protect your health and safety during pregnancy.

To show pregnancy or maternity discrimination you do not have to compare yourself to anyone else who is not pregnant but you need to show that the treatment or dismissal was because of your pregnancy or absence on maternity leave.

All employees, casual workers, agency workers, freelancers and contractors are protected against pregnancy and maternity discrimination from day one of your employment.

Have you been sacked because you are pregnant and now wondering what to do?

Get in touch with our employment law specialists for some advice and see how we can help you with your pregnancy discrimination case. Let’s make it right

Maternity Discrimination Solicitors

Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination primary pertains to a particular period referred to as the protected period.

UK legislation states that following the protected period in pregnancy and maternity term has finished, an action subsequently after that period may still be classed as unfavourable treatment due to pregnancy and maternity if it originated from an act or decision within the protected period. Or following the protected period, a female employee may still claim her treatment is less favourable because of her pregnancy or maternity.

Do you feel you have been discriminated against due to your pregnancy?

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